Advocacy Actions

2021-07-29 > National

Meeting with representatives of the EIB

On Thursday, 29th July, a group of Chairs led by Member of the ExCo Board Jens Eskelund met with representatives of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to discuss the EIB's new China strategy.

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2021-07-28 > Beijing

Series seminar ‘China-EU Green Development Dialogue’ III- Opportunities and Challenges of Carbon Neutrality in Construction Industry

The seminar was jointly organized by the European Union Chamber of Commerce of China (EUCCC) and the Centre for International Economic and Technological Cooperation (CIETC) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

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2021-01-12 > Beijing

Meeting with EUD representatives from DG TRADE and GROW on public procurement

On 12th January European Chamber Business Managers from various Working Groups met with DG TRADE and DG GROW representatives at the EU Delegation to discuss procurement related questions.

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-09-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development on Regulation Interpretation

On 29th September, 17 representatives from Fashion and Leather Desk and Construction Working Group had a meeting with six officials from Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development (SCoHURD) for a better understanding of the local regulation, the Implementing Measures for Administration of Construction Decoration Repairing Projects (the Measures).

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2020-09-18 > Beijing

MIIT green supply chain and international cooperation

The directors from MIIT -CIETC made presentations on the Green Supply Chain , namely "What is green supply chain management, why green supply chain management and how to do green supply chain management".

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2020-07-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Frank Schmiedel, DG Grow

On July 30, Shanghai's Working Group Coordinator for Construction, Pablo Galvez, met with Frank Schmiedel, DG GROW at the EU Delegation, to discuss the negotiations surrounding the government procurement agreement and how to better get input from member on the issue of procurement in China.

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2020-07-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Call with Frank Schmiedel, EU Delegation, on the government procurement agreement

On July 22, Gary Li, National Vice Chair of the Construction Working Group, Pablo Galvez, Construction Working Group Coordinator, and Frank Schimiedel had a discussion on the future negotiation between the EU and China on the framework of the government procurement agreement. The Delegation requested recommendations from the industry to lobby the Chinese counterparts.

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2020-07-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Phone call with Frank Schmiedel

Pablo Galvez, Construction Working Group Coordinator at the Shanghai chapter, discussed with Frank Schimiedel, First Counsellor at the EU Delegation, on matters regarding the functioning of procurement in special investment projects and how are handled by SOEs.

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2020-06-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

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